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    出家人警察網紅癌症民眾中研院炮房5G網路郭智輝第三次世界大戰和尚 車窗
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    democracy 結果共199筆

  • President Tsai cites Taiwan’s key role

    President Tsai Ing-wen urges international support for Taiwan, citing its democratic values, importance in the global supply chain, and strategic geographical location. Reflecting on the Democratic Progressive Party’s success in Taoyuan City, Tsai highlights the party’s growing vote shares and her achievements in the area. As the electoral campaign continues, Tsai emphasizes the completion of the first phase of her political blueprint and the need for her party’s candidates to remain in power to implement future plans.
    2023/12/12 17:56
  • Lai Ching-te’s campaign unveils ’World’s Taiwan’ commercial

    Lai Ching-te’s national campaign headquarters, led by campaign manager Pan Men-an and spokesperson Tai Wei-shan, unveiled their latest campaign commercial during a press conference titled "The World’s Taiwan." Tai highlighted Taiwan’s increased visibility on the international stage, emphasizing the international community’s growing confidence in Taiwan and their willingness to collaborate. The campaign event follows Taiwan’s recognition as the top democracy in Asia by The Economist and its 6th place ranking in competitiveness worldwide according to the IMD Business School’s 2023 World Competitiveness Yearbook. Taiwan’s economic standing as the 21st largest economy globally and the 18th largest trading nation, with a higher GDP per capita than South Korea, was also praised. The campaign video emphasizes the importance of selecting the right leader to continue Taiwan’s advancement towards a more significant global presence.
    2023/12/12 13:43
  • Lai cites Hong Kong’s plight in Taiwan election rally

    Presidential candidate Lai Ching-te warns against Taiwan becoming the next Hong Kong and emphasizes the need to resist Chinese aggression. He cites Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Agnes Chow as an example of what Taiwan must avoid. Lai criticizes the plans of rival candidates to renegotiate the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement with China, recalling the 2014 Sunflower Student Movement. Vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim highlights Taiwan’s capabilities to construct warships and produce missiles, symbolizing the Taiwanese people’s fearlessness against Chinese pressure.
    2023/12/11 20:44
  • Hou and Chao: Taiwan must prepare, not provoke against China

    Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih and running mate Chao Shao-kang reaffirmed that Beijing has not renounced the use of force against Taiwan, emphasizing the importance of Taiwan’s democracy in countering Chinese pressure. In an interview with NBC, Hou stated that Taiwan’s future should be determined by its 23 million inhabitants, asserting that Taiwan is an independent sovereign country. Hou advocated for preparedness without provocation and maintaining a deterrence capability amid growing tensions. Chao stressed the necessity of peace for cross-strait development, with strength as a crucial support. He emphasized the importance of U.S. support for Taiwan’s defense measures. Hou also highlighted the critical role of the U.S. in Taiwan’s self-defense efforts and expressed confidence in the deepening of the Taiwan-U.S. relationship. Chao argued that Taiwan’s democracy will inevitably influence mainland China, challenging the Chinese government to explain why democracy cannot thrive in a place with a shared heritage and culture across the Strait.
    2023/12/11 20:30
  • KMT’s Jaw decries campus access inequity for campaign

    Jaw Shau-kong, the Kuomintang (KMT) vice-presidential candidate, criticized the lack of access to university campuses for his campaign activities, claiming that this privilege was given to the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) before his candidacy. He was previously invited to speak at National Tsing Hua University, National Chiao Tung University, and Chinese Culture University, but these engagements were later canceled by the universities. Jaw believes that nurturing university students’ interest in democracy is important and plans to speak at various higher education institutions, aiming to facilitate exchanges with students from at least five schools. His first campus speech will take place at his alma mater, Taichung First Senior High School. KMT presidential nominee Hou Yu-ih and DPP rival Lai Ching-te have also engaged with the student electorate, participating in youth forums and delivering speeches at various universities. People First Party presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has also been invited to speak at universities, highlighting the trend of presidential and vice-presidential hopefuls engaging with students across Taiwan.
    2023/12/09 16:14
  • Tsai honors child rights advocate at ADHRA ceremony

    President Tsai Ing-wen presented the Asia Democracy and Human Rights Award to Amihan V. Abueva at a ceremony in Taipei. Abueva, the Regional Executive Director of the Child Rights Coalition Asia, was recognized for her advocacy against violence on children, including human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Tsai commended Abueva’s selflessness and bravery in creating a safer world for children and highlighted Taiwan’s efforts to incorporate international child rights standards into domestic law. Legislative Speaker You Si-kun emphasized Taiwan’s commitment to democracy and human rights, stating that the award reflects the country’s support for democratic values.
    2023/12/07 18:09
  • AIT not taking sides in Taiwan’s 2024 election: Oudkirk

    AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk emphasized the U.S.’s neutral stance in Taiwan’s upcoming presidential election, expressing confidence in Taiwan’s democracy and addressing cybersecurity and the danger of disinformation.
    2023/12/04 20:52
  • Healthy media environment needed against disinformation: RSF

    Explore the impact of misinformation ahead of Taiwan’s imminent national election. Cédric Alviani, Asia-Pacific Bureau Director of Reporters Without Borders (RSF), delves into the global threat of disinformation, branding it a "poison for the mind" with heightened consequences during elections. With just 28% trust in the media, Alviani underscores the urgency for a healthier media environment and ethical journalism to combat the spread of false narratives. Discover the Journalism Trust Initiative (JTI), a four-year-old self-regulatory effort by RSF, aimed at fortifying public trust in media reporting. Join the fight against disinformation and understand the pivotal role media plays in safeguarding democracy.
    2023/12/03 18:24
  • Taiwan’s global issues highlighted at French forum

    This story discusses a recent event in France where journalist Arnaud Vaulerin, Taiwan envoy François Wu Chih-chung, and former French Minister François deRugy discussed Taiwan’s role in the world and President Tsai Ing-wen’s time in office. Vaulerin, author of the book "Taïwan, la Présidente et la guerre," highlighted that Taiwan’s issues are global and not just confined to the island. De Rugy praised Taiwan’s vibrant democracy and its ability to overcome challenges, while Wu emphasized Taiwan’s importance as a countermodel to China’s authoritarianism. The speakers also called for better understanding and attention to Taiwan’s situation in international media and politics.
    2023/12/03 13:47
  • Lai Ching-te unveils vision for ’Made in Taiwan’ strength

    DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te emphasized the importance of kindness among Taiwanese people and his vision for Taiwan’s future during his speech at the inaugural meeting of his campaign headquarters in Taoyuan. The event was attended by prominent DPP figures, including President Tsai Ing-wen. Lai’s pairing with his vice-presidential running mate Hsiao Bi-khim, dubbed the "Virtue Team," has garnered attention online. Lai advocated for democracy over dictatorship and called for support of Taiwan’s international industry without relying too heavily on China. He outlined policies to boost industries such as semiconductors, artificial intelligence, and green energy technology. Lai also criticized the "Blue-White Alliance" between the KMT and TPP as a merger focused on party interests and personal power. He emphasized the need for the DPP to secure a legislative majority to smoothly implement these policies.
    2023/11/26 17:51
  • Hsiao cautious about ’dark political vortex’ in Taiwan

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim expresses concerns about Taiwan’s political climate and her hesitation to return to the country for public office. She describes a "dark political vortex" and emphasizes the need to defend democracy, freedom, and basic rights. Despite the challenges, Hsiao pledges steadfast efforts alongside presidential candidate Lai Ching-te to guide Taiwan and offer its people more opportunities. She aims to concentrate on state affairs and constructive national debates, avoiding distractions and external disturbances. Hsiao’s commitment reflects the underlying tensions in Taiwan’s political landscape and her determination to maintain stability and progress for the country.
    2023/11/24 18:13
  • Hsiao Bi-khim opposes war, urges cross-strait dialogue

    Hsiao Bi-khim, the vice-presidential candidate for Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party, expressed her opposition to using war as a solution to cross-strait issues. She emphasized the necessity of dialogue as the only viable method for resolution. Hsiao voiced her support for the four pillars of peace proposed by DPP’s presidential candidate, Lai Ching-te. These pillars include strengthening Taiwan’s deterrence capabilities, ensuring economic security, establishing partnerships with global democratic nations, and maintaining a stable, principled cross-strait relationship. Hsiao has been blacklisted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) due to her support for Taiwanese independence, but she highlighted that other international advocates for democracy and human rights have faced similar sanctions from the CCP. Despite this, Hsiao remains committed to protecting Taiwan’s democracy and maintaining an open attitude towards cross-strait dialogue. She emphasized the importance of preserving the status quo and seeking global support to uphold peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.
    2023/11/24 18:05
  • Hsiao Bi-khim prioritizes DPP support expansion

    DPP vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim emphasized the importance of expanding support for the DPP’s platform rather than focusing on cooperation with opposition parties. Hsiao made these remarks at an event attended by international media, in response to inquiries about potential collaboration between the KMT and TPP camps. Hsiao also addressed fluctuating poll numbers in Taiwan and emphasized the need to expand the DPP’s support base. Reflecting on her work in Hualien, Hsiao highlighted the common ideals and values she shares with DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te. The Lai-Hsiao pairing sees the election as a battle to protect Taiwan’s democratic values, progress democracy, and strengthen the nation’s resilience. After the event, Hsiao is scheduled to engage with various groups to discuss new issues and draw on her international diplomacy experience.
    2023/11/23 15:17
  • DPP stresses peace in cross-strait relations amid criticism

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and President Tsai Ing-wen maintain a non-provocative stance toward cross-strait relations, committed to pursuing peace. China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) criticized DPP’s presidential candidate Lai Ching-te for downplaying the dangers of Taiwan independence activities. Lai’s running mate, Hsiao Bi-khim, is known for supporting independence, which has further displeased the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) due to the DPP’s pro-independence stance. The DPP accused the CCP of interfering in Taiwan’s elections and fostering fear of war, while emphasizing their commitment to defending Taiwan’s democracy and interests.
    2023/11/22 20:03
  • Lai Ching-te rebuffs China’s criticism in Time interview

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te emphasizes his political standpoint in a Time magazine interview after registering with the Central Election Commission (CEC) alongside running mate Hsiao Bi-khim, becoming the first confirmed party pair for the 2024 presidential election. The interview coincided with the Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) of China’s Central Committee harshly criticizing the DPP candidates, accusing them of advocating for "independence upon independence." Lai dismisses China’s criticisms, highlighting that Chinese officials lack experience with a national transition to democracy. He underscores the differing national visions of the opposition party Kuomintang (KMT) and the DPP, asserting the DPP’s firm commitment to safeguarding Taiwan’s sovereignty and rejecting China’s attempts at unification. During the registration, Lai and Hsiao, who have differing preferences for pets, wear badges featuring painted animal figures, symbolizing their unique cooperation. Supporters enthusiastically witness this exciting moment, demonstrating their enthusiasm for the upcoming election race.
    2023/11/22 20:02
  • Tsai Ing-wen endorses Lai-Hsiao ticket for Taiwan’s future

    President Tsai Ing-wen has endorsed DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te and his running mate Hsiao Bi-khim, calling them "Taiwan’s best choice." Tsai praised Hsiao’s resilience and highlighted their shared grassroots-level political representation and legislative experiences. She expressed confidence in their ability to navigate Taiwan through complex international relations, while upholding democracy and freedom. Tsai believes that Lai and Hsiao can propel Taiwan onto the international stage and continue its democratic journey. The endorsement comes at a critical juncture as Taiwan prepares for the high-stakes presidential election.
    2023/11/22 19:54
  • Lai and Hsiao promise to guide Taiwan towards unity

    Lai Ching-te, the Democratic Progressive Party presidential candidate, officially launched his campaign alongside running mate Hsiao Bi-khim, emphasizing their shared mission to lead Taiwan towards a prosperous future. Lai praised Hsiao’s previous performances in Taipei and Hualien, particularly her handling of Taiwan-U.S. relations during her term as representative to the U.S. With global attention on Taiwan’s election, Lai emphasized the need for an experienced and steady leader to guide the country towards democracy, peace, and prosperity. Lai and Hsiao appealed to voters by promising steadfast guidance and uniting Taiwan on the right path. Hsiao’s return to politics is driven by her deep love for Taiwan and joint efforts towards national prosperity.
    2023/11/22 19:39
  • Ko Wen-je pledges unwavering commitment to his supporters

    Taiwan People’s Party’s Ko Wen-je pledges to unite efforts for the country’s progress and emphasizes democracy’s significance in his campaign, speaking to a large crowd in New Taipei.
    2023/11/19 17:27
  • Dutch film ’Invisible Nation’ casts Taiwan in new light

    "Invisible Nation," a documentary portraying Taiwan’s path to democracy and featuring President Tsai Ing-wen, premiered at the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, drawing acclaim for its unbiased and unique perspective.
    2023/11/19 16:26
  • DPP criticized for jeopardizing Taiwan, Lai defends

    The ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is facing criticism from non-ruling parties for its failures in improving cross-strait relations, with accusations that the DPP has pushed Taiwan towards the risk of war. DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-tei has responded by outlining a four-pillar approach to maintaining cross-strait peace, which includes strengthening national defense and security, boosting Taiwan’s key industries, standing with democratic camps, and engaging in cooperative relationships with China. Lai emphasizes that the upcoming election represents a battle between democracy and autocracy and highlights Taiwan’s ongoing fight for democracy. He asserts his determination to safeguard Taiwan’s democracy and protect the nation’s security and interests.
    2023/11/16 20:54
  • Taiwanese NGOs form alliance to uphold media ethics

    A civil alliance of local NGOs in Taiwan has launched a new moral code for reporting on Taiwanese elections. The code emphasizes fairness, accuracy, professional tones, respect for privacy, and media transparency. The initiative aims to enhance public trust in the media as elections approach. The alliance, consisting of Reporters Without Borders, Citizen Media Watch, and the Taiwan Media Watch Foundation, received widespread support from labor unions in the new media industry. The director of RSF Taipei Bureau highlighted the challenges faced by Taiwanese media, including political polarization and excessive commercialization. As the presidential campaigns intensify, more media organizations are expected to participate. The director of the Taiwan Media Watch Foundation emphasized the importance of press freedom in Taiwan’s democracy, warning of the negative impact manipulative activities could have on the democratic environment.
    2023/11/10 21:58
  • Taiwan committed to democracy and freedom: President Tsai

    President Tsai Ing-wen emphasized Taiwan’s commitment to protecting freedom, democracy, and regional peace at the 2023 Taipei Security Dialogue. The event focused on key issues including China’s challenge to the global order and democracy, the influence of the Ukrainian-Russian war on global relations, and China’s expanding global influence. Tsai discussed strengthening self-defense capabilities, restoring compulsory military service, increasing the defense budget, and highlighted Taiwan’s first domestically produced submarine prototype. She drew examples from Ukraine’s resistance against Russian invasion and conflicts in the Middle East to highlight the impact of "grey zone" activity on stability in the Indo-Pacific region. Other attendees included high-ranking officials from Taiwan’s government and diplomats and experts from various countries.
    2023/11/08 20:37
  • MOFA head warns of conflict amid authoritarian expansion

    Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, delivered a speech at Riga Stradins University in Latvia, clarifying Taiwan’s position amid tensions with China. Despite enduring military intimidation, diplomatic isolation, and economic threats from China, Taiwan remains committed to achieving peace through open conversation while being pragmatic and prepared for potential risks. Wu praised the diplomatic relationship between Taiwan and Latvia, as both countries share similar paths to democracy and the establishment of sovereign statehood. However, both countries face unprecedented security challenges, with a standoff between democracy and autocracy driving the current international conflict. Wu emphasized that established democracies cannot ignore the expansion of authoritarianism, which seeks to undermine the rules-based international order. In light of President Tsai’s decision to restore one-year military service, Wu stressed the importance of being armed to protect Taiwan’s freedom, as the cost of losing it is unbearable for a democratic society.
    2023/11/08 20:13
  • Vice President Lai praises soaring Taiwan-EU trade

    Vice President Lai Ching-te envisions Taiwan as a global haven for democracy, justice, innovation, and sustainability, as he addresses the European Chamber of Commerce. He emphasizes the need to strengthen trade and investment relations with the European Union through a Free Trade Agreement or Bilateral Investment Treaty. Taiwan-EU trade has flourished, with Europe being the largest source of foreign investment. Lai highlights the importance of maintaining a stable Strait and opposes any attempt to change the status quo by force. He also commits to Taiwan’s national vision of achieving net-zero transitions by diversifying green energy sources and implementing high-tech solutions for energy conservation.
    2023/11/08 20:03
  • Taipei Dialogue to address Indo-Pacific intimidation

    The Institute for National Defense and Security Research (INDSR) will host the "2023 Taipei Security Dialogue" on November 8th. Former U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Michele Flournoy, and former U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor, Matthew Pottinger, will discuss the collective intimidation faced by Indo-Pacific nations. The event will feature virtual speeches focusing on measuring risks and situations in the Taiwan Strait. Scholars and experts from 10 countries, including the U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Czech Republic, and Japan, have been invited to address China’s challenges to global order and democracy. The dialogue will cover six themes, such as the Russo-Ukrainian War’s lessons and strategies for deterring China, implications for cross-strait relations, Chinese military and technological development, China’s global expansion, and a strategic environmental assessment of China. President Tsai Ing-wen is also scheduled to deliver a speech at the event.
    2023/11/07 17:56
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